Items for free

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Einfach auf DIESE Seite gehen:

    Acc, Pass, Charname eingeben
    Das Wunschitem auswählen, dabei ist darauf zu achten:
    Der Char muss Itemabhänig ein bestimmtes Level haben, sonst funktioniert das ganze nicht !

    Mit Level 1 Chars geht schonmal gar nichts, da möchte der Seitenbetreiber auch keine Beschwerde mails bekommen !

    Viel Spaß

    Rofl, hab mich eben krankgelacht, hab den link in einem Channel gesehen und bin gleich mal draufgegangen (ein paar items mehr Schaden ja nicht :D)

    P.S.: Es funkioniert wirkllich, nur umgekehrt, ein paar Stunden danach fühlt ihr euch gleich viel befreiter, als ob euch eine schwere Last von den Schultern genommen wurde :D

    Webmaster & Gründer der KoR-Gilde

    Sei immer du selbst - Es sei denn, du
    kannst ein sein... dann sei ein !

  • hehe mit meinen 3 lvl 99 chars bekomm ich da doch bestimmt ne windy oder:D

    wie :homer: muss man sein um auf son schwachfug hereinzufallen......naja......obwohl.......irgendjemand muss ja auch die regierung gewählt haben:D:D:D

    No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has
    always got there first, and is waiting for it.

  • Glaub mir min. 30% der leute (kinder, idioten) die im b-net spielen würden das sofort machen wenn sie die seite kennen würden ;)

  • :rollen:
    nönö... also dia, wie kannst du uns zum dupen auffordern ;)
    :lol: nein, ich glaub das jetz nich, des die lete sooooo blöde inner birne san :nein:

  • ich sag nur Megarofl.....

    die machen das so regelmaessig da muss es noch "Idioten" geben die dadrauf reinfallen.Und lohnen muss sich das ja auch weil wegen nehm Tarni und 2 Nagelringen oder so wuerde die das jawohl nicht machen.

    So einer muesste mal ganz heftig in "RL" eine auf die Schnautze kriegen.


  • Da muss man aber schon ganz schön gutgläubig sein
    wenn man auf so einen Schwachsin drauf reinfällt.

    Aber es gibt ne Menge "nOObs" die auf diese Weise ihren Account verlohren haben. :(

  • Hi
    anstatt sich drüber zu freuen, daß es vielleicht Leute gibt, die darauf hereinfallen, hab ich die Seite bei Blizz gemeldet. Vielleicht machen die nix, aber ich hoffe es zumindest ;)

  • Wenn du diesen Schrieb zurück bekommst haben sie deine Mail nicht angeguckt (wird automatisch versendet): :D

    Thank you for your email. This is an automatic reply to confirm that your
    message has been received by us at

    Due to the volume of Email received by us at it is not
    always possible for us to respond to each Email message individually, this
    may be the only email you receive from us regarding this matter. Please be
    assured that your concern is being addressed, we do investigate *all* issues
    submitted to us. As such, please do not interpret a lack of response as a
    lack of action taken.

    All emails regarding requests for obtaining lost/stolen account passwords,
    CD keys and/or items as well as those requiring or requesting technical
    support and/or games play hints should be directed to
    You can also call us at 1-949-955-1382, M-F 9am-6pm PDT and we'll be happy
    to help you out. - The hacks mailbox is unable to provide support for these

    While it is our goal to combat cheating and hacking on multiple fronts, we
    realize this effort will be difficult without the active support of our
    customers and fans. With assistance, such as that provided by our customers
    and fans, our efforts to diminish cheating and hacking within the
    community will prove to be more effective. Thank you for your show of
    support and concern, it is appreciated by each and every individual within
    our company.

    * Please Note: *
    * If your message contains obscenities, abusive, or threatening language *
    * directed at our staff, it will be discarded without further action. *
    * Please remember that the people who read emails at this address are *
    * working to address and/or resolve the issues submitted to us. - Hacks *

    Please take a look at for the latest
    support news and for updated
    information on

    Here are some answers to common questions:

    Q: If I (or someone I know) use a hack (map hack, skill hack, etc.) will my
    account get deleted/banned/muted?
    A: In keeping with our aggressive stance against hacks and cheats, we have
    deleted accounts that were caught using hacks including but not limited to
    duping hacks and server-crashing or game-terminating hacks).

    We will continue to monitor the Realms for malicious players. Be
    aware that if you are caught using a hack, your accounts will be deleted. We
    regret having to employ these extreme measures, however, certain
    unscrupulous players impair the gameplay of the Diablo II community as a
    whole, and severe action is now both warranted and required. We appreciate
    your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

    Q: Is it OK to use the (map, skill, grab, etc.) hack as I think it is
    useful and/or doesn't hurt anyone or the game?
    A: See above.

    Q: I just reported someone for using a hack/duping/trying to scam people;
    will you actually take any action against them?
    A: We truly appreciate you alerting us to behavior that might negatively
    impact's online gaming community. We will take appropriate steps
    to notify the offender of the parameters set forth in the terms
    of use agreement as well as the consequences for not following the posted
    rules. While it is our preference not to ban players from, we
    will not hesitate to do so in the event that players persistently violate
    the Terms of Use agreement.

    Q: How can I protect my computer/ account from hackers?
    A: For information about protecting your computer against hackers please
    take a look at: and

    Q: Are all methods of duping stopped?
    A: All known methods of duping have been fixed. We will continue to monitor
    the Diablo II realms for duplication exploits and fix them as needed.

    Q: Why have some of my items of a certain type vanished?
    A: The Realm scans for duplicated items and may delete any duplicates that
    it finds. You might have traded for a duplicated item and it may have been
    deleted by our servers.

    Q: What items were selected for deletion?
    A: All rare and unique items were scanned for duplicates.

    Q: Why did Blizzard Entertainment only delete some of the dupes, and not
    every dupe?
    A: Blizzard Entertainment wants to maintain an enjoyable and balanced play
    experience for every user. To that end, we removed all but one duplicate
    item. We're making an effort to protect those players that legitimately
    traded for those items.

    Q: If I gamble for two unique items of the same type (e.g. two Stones of
    Jordan) or find them by killing monsters, will they be considered dupes and
    A: No. Items legitimately gained through gambling or dropped by monsters
    are not duplicates, even if they have the same name.

    Q: If I trade for an item, and already have one of the same type (e.g. I
    have a Stone of Jordan, and trade for another one from a player), will one
    of them be deleted?
    A: If the items are dupes, then one of them will be deleted. If you
    already have a certain item, then in order to prevent deletion it is
    suggested you not trade for a copy of that item.

    Q: Is there anyway to tell if an item is a dupe?
    A: No, there is no way to tell if an item is a dupe or not, however there
    is one exception. One of the last duping exploits put a socket on the item
    and/or personalized the item. You may want to exercise caution if the item
    is personalized or socketed.

    Q: Where can I report hacks or exploits?
    A: You can send your reports to

    Blizzard Hacks Team

    If you respond to this email, please attach all previous messages and files
    relating to this issue.

  • Ich bin zwar ein wenig naiv, sagt meine Frau....und die hat immer recht *ggg*, manchmal auch leicht weich im Kopf, aber ich hab ihn in der Regel dabei.
    So Doooooooooooooof kann man sein.

    Ich kann es noch nicht glauben.

    Aber eigentlich muss ich den Ball ja ganz flach halten.

    Mal nen kurzes Statement für alle.
    X( (Borgt Joker_KoR oder Goodlike_Pvp keine Sachen) X(
    Die verarschen euch, ja leider passiert sowas auch bei uns in der Gilde. Traurig aber ?( Wahr ?(
    Cu Joshi

  • :DLOL :D Geht ma auf !
    Auch nur verarsche! Dia an! Prog an! Sachen futsch! Für Idioten die Dupen wollen ganz lustig. Kenn selbst einen den ich damit verarscht hab.Hihihihihihi!
    Der war aber wütend X( (und DOOOF) :irre: