Damit ihr vielleicht auch etwas davon habt wie wir das in HC angehen und natürlich mit einiger Inspiration von Rob & Raxx.
- Start
- Create Character
- Open Map & use Renown (Exp. & Gold)
- Quest - Raising Spirits - Walk down to Nevesk
- Dungeon - Lost Archives
- Do all Events on it's way & collect flowers (Lvl 5 - Exp. Portion)
- Waygate - Nevesk
- Quest - The Woodsman of Nevesk - Port back to Kyovashad
- Do Events & Cellar outside - MAP >> here <<
- Don't do the Dungeon (NR. 5)
- Dungeon - Caldera Gate - a.) Lvl 15 - Rogue Quest (split group run)
Dungeon- Forsaken Quarry (Flurry circle)
- Do your main Quest & pick up
- Quest - A cold faith Guide - b.) Necro (split group run)
- Dungeon - Black Asylum
- Quest - Cries of Innocence
- Quest - A cold faith Guide
- Do Events https://cdn.discordapp.com/att…04235993138/Level9-15.jpg
Lvl 25 - Necro Quest (split group)
Rogue - Jalals Vigil
- Do your main Quest
- Clear Nostrava and Malnok Strongholds in Fractured Peaks and COMPLETE THEM.
- (optional) IF ( 30+ & gear is ok ) Clear Kor-Dragan in Fractured Peaks and COMPLETE THEM.
- Don't forget do Events in between
- Clear Onyx Watchtower stronghold but DO NOT KILL THE BOSS OR RING THE BELL.
- Gear up to 30+
- Clear Kor-Dragan in Fractured Peaks and COMPLETE THEM.
Do Important Dungeons especially for HC
Port to Cerrigar or Firebreak Manor
- Dungeon - Broken Bulwark (Lvl 7+) !!!
- (optional) Dungeon - Howling Warren (Lvl 15+)
Port to Braestaig
- Clear Tur Durla Stronghold in Scosglen and COMPLETE THEM. Needed for next Step
- Dungeon - Underroot (Lvl 15+)
- Dark Ravine (Lvl 15+) !!!
Port to Ked Bardu
- Halls of the Damned (Lvl 20+) !!!
(optional) Necro (Bone Spear) - Guulrahn Slums
Nice to have and more dmg
- Dungeon - Buried Halls
- Dungeon - Oldstone
- Dungeon - Shivta Ruins (Lvl 35+)
- Dungeon - Inferno (Lvl 35+)
(optional) Rogue (Range build) - Bastion of Faith (Lvl 35+)
- Clear Onyx Watchtower stronghold but DO NOT KILL THE BOSS OR RING THE BELL.
- Gear up to 45+
- Clear Onyx Watchtower stronghold and COMPLETE THEM.
- Before going to the capstone, UPGRADE YOUR MAIN WEAPONS
Necro - 2H Weapon
Rogue - 2x 1H Sword
NM Dugeons & what ever you like to move to 100, enjoy the game.
More Infos: (Thanks to Rob & Raxx)
- https://docs.google.com/spread…V5kFZZXtgYuuYyo/htmlview#
- https://docs.google.com/spread…edit?pli=1#gid=1582695164
Necro Blood Surge (Tanky & Fortify)
How to Gear your Char & where to Farm?
- https://diablo4.life/tools/target-farming
Gamble - WHAT?
- https://diablo4.life/tools/gambling