Krass: Patch 1.09c noch diese Woche + Readme zu Patch 1.10? !

  • und noch einer :D.


    Eine geradezu sensationelle Email erreichte uns vor wenigen Minuten aus dem Hause Blizzard Entertainment. Diese Woche noch wird ein Patch 1.09c veröffentlicht werden! Dieser wird etwas beinhalten, was uns nach dem ersten Lesen den kalten Schweiß auf die Stirn getrieben hat, sich nachher allerdings wieder relativerte. Lest erstmal selbst:

    This week, Blizzard will be releasing Diablo II patch 1.09c. The patch adds a new feature to the program that is important, but also has the potential to be misunderstood, which is why I'm writing.

    ÖHA! Ein neuer Patch! Ein neues Feature, welches für Missverständnisse sorgen kann? Hmm, lesen wir mal weiter:

    Included in the patch is a .dll file that will relay non-personal, non-identifying information about a user's computer to Blizzard. Specifically: CPU, RAM, operating system, video card and sound card information.

    Wie bitte? Es wird eine .dll installiert werden, welche Informationen über den jeweiligen Computer an Blizzard liefert?? Das ist doch wohl nicht wahr oder? Weiter gehts:

    Historically, the best customers for Blizzard games are players of previous Blizzard games, and while it's tempting to go for high-end specifications with our upcoming Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos to get the maximum amount of bells and whistles out of it, we also want it to be playable by as many of our current customers as we can, and so we're going to compile this information for that purpose.

    Wie die Geschichte zeigt sind die besten "Testpersonen" diejenigen, die schon andere Blizzard Titel gespielt haben. Von diesen Personen möchte man nun Informationen haben in Bezug auf High-End Anforderungen für das nächste Blizzard Spiel: Warcraft III. Das Spiel soll von so vielen Spielern wie möglich gespielt werden können, daher ist eine solche Erhebung für Blizzard unbedingt nötig.

    Nach diesem Schock lasen wir weiter und konnten uns etwas beruhigter zurücklehnen:

    Two important things to note (and ones that have probably already occurred to everyone reading this): 1) this is only taking place in North America, and 2) users can opt out of participating in this hardware specification survey when they download the patch.

    Ah ok! Das ganze trifft nur auf Nord-Amerika zu und ausserdem können die User von einer Teilnahme absehen, wenn sie den Patch herunterladen!

    We understand that user privacy is an important matter to our customers, and are attempting to balance privacy needs with the best means possible of accurately ascertaining current users' hardware information.

    Blizzard führt hier an, dass sie sehr wohl wissen wieviel die Privatsphäre eines Users zählt. Sie versuchen eine möglichst optimale Balance zwischen eben diesem Privat Bereich und erwünschten Informationen hinzubekommen.

    Nachdem man von einer Teilnahme an dieser Erhebung absehen kann ist das vermutlich eine faire Sache, noch dazu betrifft das nur Nord-Amerika. Ob in dem Patch weitere Veränderungen auch am Spiel Diablo II selber stattfinden werden ist derzeit noch nicht bekannt. Diskutiert über diese Aktion in unserem Forum!

    UPDATE: Wie wir auf unsere Nachfrage bestätigt bekamen betrifft das "Übermittlung-Feature" des Patchs 1.09c nur Nord-Amerika. Gecheckt wird das, in dem nach einer englischen Diablo II Version, einer US Windows Version und nach der aktiven Zeitzone geschaut wird. Ausserdem bestätigte uns Blizzard, dass der Patch 1.09c einige minor bugs im Spiel selbst bereinigen wird.

    Bei findet man eine Meldung, dass ihnen von verschiedenen Usern die angebliche Readme zum Patch 1.10 per eMail geschickt worden ist. Angeblich soll diese für kurze Zeit im Forum kursiert sein.

    Natürlich kann es sich auch um einen Fake handeln, aber einige der Veränderungen sind recht interessant, andere erscheinen etwas unwahrscheinlich. Aber lest es hier selbst, und diskutiert darüber im Forum.

  • mögliche readme zu patch 1.10:

    i have this friend who works at blizzard and he acidentally sent this to me in e mail so i thought i better post it somewhere to let you people know whats coming up in 1.10


    * Note: certain item changes will apply retroactively to already existing items.


    - Fixed a bug where a connection problem (ie "Unable to connect to") would instead result in a downloading patch dialog that stayed at 0% indefinitely.

    Major Bugs

    - Fixed various "packet sniffing" exploits.
    - Fixed a bug that caused realm characters to not save.
    - Fixed a bug that enabled players to deliberately crash a realm game.
    - Fixed a bug where players received "Realm Down" and "Player Not Found" messages.
    - Fixed a bug where game crashed when weapon switch button W was pushed while the game was still loading, before entering a game.

    Minor Bugs

    - Fixed a bug that caused game creation to fail.
    - Fixed a bug that caused realm games to show as full when they were not.
    - Baal minions no longer cause loading pauses.
    - Fixed a bug with the first quest in Act III that prevented the Golden Bird from dropping.
    - Removed "invisible islands" from various locations.
    - Fixed various items that were previously bugged.
    - Fixed a bug where Tyrael would sometimes create an inaccessible portal.
    - Fixed a bug that prevented monsters from dropping treasure when near an edge or an object.


    - Altered stats of a few Unique and Set items*.
    - Added new Horadric Cube recipes.
    - Added three new runewords (Duress, Famine and Pattern).
    - Added several new rare and magic affixes.
    - Rare items will now always spawn with six affixes if possible.
    - Reduced level requirements of certain rare and magical affixes
    - Improved crafted items.
    - Lowered maximum duration for which Hirelings could be poisoned
    - Increased stack sizes of most Throwing weapons.
    - Increased the chance slightly to get Set and Unique items from Gambling.
    - Monsters no longer spawn near the Halls of the Dead waypoints in Act II.
    - Added an "invite all" button in the party screen.
    - "Evil Urns" now spawn in all acts.
    - Certain quests on multiplayer games can now be completed, for characters who have not done them, even if the character who created the game already completed them in a previous game.
    - Quest rewards from Akara in Act I and Ormus in Act III now have a 50% chance to give an amulet instead of a ring.
    - Smashing the Compelling Orb in Act III now rewards you with a rare jewel.
    - Quests that reward a hireling now give the option to either hire a new hireling or resurrect a dead hireling if there is one.
    - Items given to a character by NPCs no longer drop on the ground when the inventory is full.
    - Auras and Warcries no longer get terminated by weaker ones when having more than one active by different characters at the same time (For example, a level 10 Barbarian Battle Orders warcry will not cancel an active level 20 Battle Orders).
    - Antidote and Thawing potions now give protection for 12 seconds.
    - Changed "players X" command into "/players X" and added confirmation messages.
    - SHIFT + RIGHT-Clicking a stack of keys picks up one key.
    - SHIFT + RIGHT-Clicking a tome of town portal or a tome of identify picks up one scroll if there is more than one.
    - killing the King in the secret level now no longer prevents characters from creating the portal.
    - Hostile characters now show in separate portraits on the right side of the screen showing their character class, name, and level.


    - Increased the maximum number of characters that can be created per account on each realm from 8 to 14.
    - Each account now have one large shared item inventory per realm that can be accessed by any character of that account by pressing a second tab from the stash within the game.
    - You can now specify a default channel to join upon login.
    - The join menu now remembers the last game you entered.
    - Moved the "Quit" button away from the "Join" Button" in chat to prevent accidental clicks.
    - Pressing ALT + PrintScrn while hovering the mouse over an item takes a screenshot of that item's hover text box.
    - Long character names now display in full in ladders, channels, and party screens.
    - friends list whispers are now shorter and in different color.
    - Increased the power of the gem in chat.
    - The new "/friends" command can now be used within the game.

    Skill Balance Changes

    - Increased effectiveness of certain Warcries.

    - Slightly increased usefulness of certain Defensive Auras.

    - Increased damage of Teeth, and Bone Spear.
    - Decreased the Mana cost for Bone Spirit and increased its damage.
    - Increased effectiveness of poison based skills.
    - Limited the maximum number of skeletons to five.
    - Limited the maximum number of skeletal Mages to five.
    - Limited the maximum number of revived monsters to five.
    - Increased damage and life of all summoned monsters
    - Increased effectiveness of certain curses.

    - Blizzard now always hits.

    - Valkyrie speed increases per level.
    - Fixed Piercing of Amazon's Guided Arrow.

    - Increased damage of certain Traps skills.
    - Cloak of Shadows no longer causes friendly characters screens to go darker.

    - Increased damage of certain Elemental Tree skills.

    - You can no longer equip items if you have a corpse. This prevents a common problem where all equipped items pop up and drop on the ground upon death.
    - Added level requirement for joining nightmare and hell difficulty games. Now, you must be level 25 or higher to join nightmare difficulty games and level 50 or higher to join hell difficulty games.
    - Weapon switch function no longer changes the selected skill.
    - A five second timer is applied before hostility takes effect.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Wow, da scheinen ja einige gravierende Änderungen zu kommen:

    Increased the maximum number of characters that can be created per account on each realm from 8 to 14.

    -14 anstatt 8 Spieler pro account 8o

    Each account now have one large shared item inventory per realm that can be accessed by any character of that account by pressing a second tab from the stash within the game.

    -Soweit ich verstanden habe, ein Inventar auf dem JEDER Character des Accounts zugreifen kann, damit würden so gut wie keine selftrades mehr stattfinden müssen >> weniger itemverluste durch Spielabbrüche, Diebe etc 8o

    Pressing ALT + PrintScrn while hovering the mouse over an item takes a screenshot of that item's hover text box.

    - Nett, damit dürfte die schnippelei ein Ende haben, wenn man einen Screenie in ein Tradeforum stellen will 8o

    Added level requirement for joining nightmare and hell difficulty games. Now, you must be level 25 or higher to join nightmare difficulty games and level 50 or higher to join hell difficulty games.

    - gut, damit sollte exp-leeching ein wenig eingedämmt werden ( mit level x char im Kuhlevel hell leveln z. b.)

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