Beiträge von Tanara im Thema „D3 Patch 2.0.1“

    der patch soll angeblich erst bei den amis und dann bei uns live gehen

    aber mal ehrlich in 3 tagen interesiert das keinen mehr da gehts auf lvl 70

    Patch 2.0.2 morgen live

    Experience requirements for Paragon 500 and above have been increased
    Disabled sound notifications for Clan and Community chat
    Bug Fixes
    Gold can once again be purchased and sold on the Real Money Auction House
    Items with the highest rank of "Critical Hits grant Arcane Power" affix no longer require level 61
    Level 60 Crafted Amulets now properly require Fiery Brimstone to craft
    Sokahr the Keywarden now reflects a more reasonable amount of damage with his whirlwind attack
    The portal leading from the second Hell Rift to the Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier now functions properly
    The experience bar has been removed from the Followers UI
    The Siegebreaker Assault Beast no longer performs other actions during his grab attack animation

    kauft Schwefel solang er noch billig is :D