Beiträge von LordSauron

    hab hier nochmal einen Post zu diesem Thema gefunden, der das was wir bereits mehr oder weniger vermuten bestätigt,
    nämlich das es auf die Ausgewogenheit mehr ankommt als auf die reine Zahl, die bei Zähigkeit steht:

    Re: Toughness : vita better than armor/resist?
    It's not that flat life is better than armor/resists, it's that all of them work in tandem to make up your total Toughness. However, armor and resistances both work based on diminishing returns, while Vitality gives flat life, with linear returns. If you have very little armor or resists, then an additional 1000 armor or 100 allres will give you much more total survivability than, say, 100 Vit. However, if you have a lot of armor and resists, then an additional 1000 armor and 100 allres will be much less valuable. For example, my Wizard has about 5000 armor and 900-1000 allres after buffs. Her armor provides about 68.5% total damage reduction, while each resistance provides roughly 73-74% damage reduction to that element. If I added 1000 armor to her armor value (before buffs), then her damage resistance coming from armor would increase sharply, probably going up to around 74% DR. However, if I added an extra 100 allres, each element would only increase total damage reduction by about 1% (they'd go from 73-74% to 74-75%). Thus, adding an extra 100 allres wouldn't really benefit me all that much. However, vitality gives a fixed benefit: 35 life per point of vitality at lvl 60. As a result, if your character has quite a bit of armor and allres, then extra vit is much more important. For example, if your character has about 1000 allres and 50k life, and you can equip armor that increases your vit by 300 but drops your allres by 80, you'll only lose about 1% total damage reduction per element, but you'll gain an extra 20% of your total life (about 10k life, so you'll have 60k life after equips). As you can probably guess, in this case, an extra 10k life is much more important than 1% total damage reduction per element.

    However, all of this in mind, if you reverse the scenario, then armor and allres become much more important. For example, if you have 100k life, but only about 400 allres, 100 allres would give you probably at least 10% extra damage reduction per element, while 300 more vit would only give you an extra 10k life. At that point, the amount of damage reduced far outstrips the added benefit that the extra 10k life would provide: you'll be able to resist more attacks with the 10% extra damage reduction per element than you would have with just 10k extra life.

    As a result, it isn't really about 'which stat is better,' but rather 'which stat do I have a deficient in.' If you have a lot of armor and allres, but little vit, than vit will provide a much bigger total survivability boost than extra armor or allres. If your vit and armor are high, but your allres is crap, then losing some life and armor for allres will still boost your survivability. Finally, if you have a lot of life and allres, but your armor is low, then losing some allres and life for armor will still boost your survivability. It's not about which is better, it's about making sure that all three are balanced.

    Basically, from what I've said, it would have helped greatly for your example if you'd also shown your character stats. If you have a lot of armor and allres, but not too much vit, then I'm not surprised that adding more vit is boosting your Toughness more than an extra 78 allres.

    P.S. I'm pretty sure that the Toughness stat just IS your EHP.

    Hallo zusammen,

    wollt mal fragen, wo ihr eure RoS Version bestellt habt?

    Ich bei Amazon, habe nur eben gesehen, dass dort der 25.3 als Lieferdatum drinsteht und auf Nachfrage im Chat sagte man
    mir, dass Amazon nicht garantieren kann, dass das Game am 24.3 zu Hause ankommt.
    Würde bedeuten, dass ich nicht um Mitternacht loslegen könnte im worst case...

    Habt ihr andere Infos oder habt ihr über Blizzard direkt die Digitale Version bestellt?
    Die digitale Version ist ja wenn ich mich einlogge in meine bnet acc von jedem Computer aus spielbar oder?

    Danke für eure Antworten


    Hey Gilde,

    habe beim rumstöbern im web gestern folgende beiden Seiten mit nützlichen Infos gefunden, ich selbst finde vor allem
    den Erläuterungsteil für den phys.Schaden interessant... auf jeden lesenswert, sofern man Englisch kann ;)

    Hier die Links:


    [Guide] - 2.0.1 Elemental Damage Explained | Banned of Gamers

    2. Reaper of Souls FAQ

    2.0.1 Frequently Asked Questions (and Transition to RoS) - Diablo III General Discussion - Diablo III General Forums - Forums - Diablo Fans



    laut Blizzard ändert sich die Dropchance auf Legendaries nicht in höheren Tormentstufen, ist also bums in welcher Tormentstufe du farmst. Lediglich in einer Gruppe hast du dezent mehr MF und somit eine leicht höhere Droprate als im Single-Farming.
    3 Legs in 45 min halt ich für möglich, wenn auch sehr glücklich, ich selbst hatte auch mal 3 leg drops in einer knappen Stunde, aber normalerweise droppen die so alle 60min in etwa bei mir.