heiraten brauche nen kerl

  • hmm sind dir ringe magisch ?? :D

    Ex- Präzeptor und Bibliothekar der KoC

    Do you know what people say?
    That if two people who love each other get into Tokyo Univerity, then they'll be happy.
    - Hmmm....
    When we grow up, let's go to Tokyo University,okay?!
    - Okay! When we are big we will definitely meet there again!
    - So that's a promise!


  • och naja man kann aja uch schöne sachn zusammen machen :D

    Ex- Präzeptor und Bibliothekar der KoC

    Do you know what people say?
    That if two people who love each other get into Tokyo Univerity, then they'll be happy.
    - Hmmm....
    When we grow up, let's go to Tokyo University,okay?!
    - Okay! When we are big we will definitely meet there again!
    - So that's a promise!


  • der smiley is ja cool :friend: :love2: :hrhr: :sex:

    Ex- Präzeptor und Bibliothekar der KoC

    Do you know what people say?
    That if two people who love each other get into Tokyo Univerity, then they'll be happy.
    - Hmmm....
    When we grow up, let's go to Tokyo University,okay?!
    - Okay! When we are big we will definitely meet there again!
    - So that's a promise!


  • heiraten ! Wie goil !

    was hatt das für vorteile ! mmh dann will ich aber ne Elfe wenn ich es ab februar habe *ggg* die sind so süss ! am besten so eine wie Arwin *sabber*

  • die heisst arwen :D:D:D:D:D

    Ex- Präzeptor und Bibliothekar der KoC

    Do you know what people say?
    That if two people who love each other get into Tokyo Univerity, then they'll be happy.
    - Hmmm....
    When we grow up, let's go to Tokyo University,okay?!
    - Okay! When we are big we will definitely meet there again!
    - So that's a promise!


  • Ja klar !!!!

    eine frage gibt es da auch das böse also wie Zb das Chaos oder Dunkelefen ? die man selbst spielen kann !

    nämlich ne schöne Dunkelelfin wäre net schlecht